Friday, March 27, 2015

The baby wrap project has launched!

Our big news is out. We've launched the newest venture for Trailhead Yarns. We are looking for support for our baby wrap product line through the kickstarter campaign we've launched. If you'd like to get some great rewards from our cotton project bags or a handwoven tea towel or even a really well priced baby wrap please check it out.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The first baby wrap is off the loom

So I haven't taken many breaks from weaving lately. My last post I had just put on the warp for the towels and now I have 5 finished and this week I put on a warp for 2 baby wraps. Well today I took off the first wrap and fell in love with it.

I have no babies and don't intend on any in the futur but Ginger seemed to really like it and I think I just might be one of those crazy dog parents. It was our first time trying it on so we still have work to do but it feels great.

Weaving has been keeping me together this week and I feel bad for those people out there who don't have such a great therapeutic activity in there life. This will be a short one since today has been a long day but I'll tell you in my next post what I've been up to ;)

Make sure to check back this week, big things will be happening.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I'm back and here to stay

I want to start off by apologizing on not blogging. This has been a huge fear I have needed to overcome. My ex husband was emotionally abusive and writing is one thing that I did before we met and now it makes me incredibly anxious. Please don't judge my literary skills and if you do keep them to yourself as I learn and grow into being able to write again.

So now to the exciting items. I've been dyeing and silk screening but have decided to add in mother product to the line.

This fall I started weaving and have jumped in with both feet. I love weaving with cotton but plan on loo weaving with some great cotton linen blend that is spun and dyed in Quebec. So the new product will be beautiful hand woven baby wraps. Since I have no baby ginger will be the first test subject. Don't you think she'll be cute ;)

So the plan is to get my startup funding through kickstarted and we would love your support. We have some great thank you gifts planned and the first one is being threaded on my loom. For your support you could be choosing to get a beautiful hand woven dish towel. I'll keep you up do date on the progress as it goes along.

Other gifts to come will be some beautiful yarn, screen printed bags all of which will be ready to ship before we start the campaign. Also the very first of the baby wraps available will be preordered at a discounted rate so tell all your friends to keep an eye out.

Well that's it for today but look forward to an update in the next few days.